Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Zolpidem Tartrate (Ambien 10mg) 10MG Free Rx Coupon Saves Over $20 Off

Zolpidem Tartrate (Ambien) 10MG

Print this page and cut the card out and take it to a pharmacy near you to save immediately on generic ambien 10mg. Shop 10-20 pharmacies in various zip codes near you easily online right here: http://www.freeprescriptionsavingscard.com

For Ambien generic 10mg this card typically saves members (membership is totally free, just print this card and use it today) about 55% off the retail price. A quanity of 30 tabs costs around $39.73 without this card. Using this card it runs about $17.75 for 30 tabs of the generic Ambien (Zolpidem Tartrate 10mg).

This is a free savings of 55%! Over over 1/2 off just for printing this free card off and taking this card to a pharmacy near you. BE SURE TO SHOP PHARMACIES IN ZIP CODES NEAR YOU to find the very best pharmacy prices for ALL your meds. One pharmacy may charge more or less for certain medicines you need. TIP: So you may need to buy some of your meds at different pharmacies to save the most money.


Prices are an estimate and vary from pharmacy to pharmacy - zip code to zip code can vary too.
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